Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Got My Massage But I Didn't Deserve It

Good news and bad news. I got my massage last Friday thanks for my great MIL. The bad news is that I didn't earn it. And the even worse news is that I can't run at least not for right now. I've got really painful shin splints in my left leg, and the doctor wants me to get a bone scan to make sure I don't have a stress fracture before I run anymore. I ran two miles on Saturday morning and was still in major pain on Monday even after icing, heating, and stretching the area. So it looks like the half-marathon in December isn't really an option at this point. I'm not giving up on running though, just as soon as I figure out what's wrong, I'll come back slowly and take better care of myself.

In the interim, I'm not going to get rid of this blog. It will just be more focused on my overall exercise not just running. I'm planning on putting together a workout schedule for the next few weeks to include spinning, step classes, and other stuff to get me through. Oh and I'll get back to the weight training videos that got me so tone this summer before I gave up on them. That's the plan for now. I'll keep you posted. Hope that everyone else keeps running, be grateful you can.


tootie said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear about your injury. I hope your recovery goes quickly!

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Injuries totally suck, but you have to listen to your bod. Cycling is easy on the joints and bod and a good calorie burner. Swimming is good for injuries too.