Sunday, June 8, 2008

Only Twice, But It's Progress

Even with all of my good intentions I only worked out twice this week. But hey that's better than the one time the week before, and not going at all for the month before that. Two is definitely better than zero in any book. I'm repeating last week's training plan this week and hope to actually stick to it. As an added bonus, I'm going to start writing out everything I eat with my daily calorie intake. It's more for my benefit because supposedly if you have to write everything down, you are less likely to eat the handful of M&Ms or third piece of pizza. Supposedly. But it can't hurt to try. This week should be a lot less busy, and I'm about to go sit down with my husband to plan out some goals and our weekly schedule, which will include my daily workouts. Slow and steady makes it to (I'm not trying to win right now) the race right. I'll get there eventually.


h*dizzle said...

its true about writing everything you eat down. i have that habit and it really makes you aware of what you are eating.

i also write in and HIGHLIGHT the days that i work out. i get satisfaction in the highlighting haha but its helpful to track your behavior AND progress!

ps i was lame and didnt work out today. that means i gotta bust it an extra day this week..ugh!

BigBottomMcGee said...

I think you're doing awesome. Its ALWAYS hard to get back into the swing of things. Keep it up! You'll get there!